MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: President Roberto Rodriguez
FLAG SALUTE: Mike Gibson
INVOCATION: Kevin Walthers
VISITING ROTARIANS: Alice Patio (SM Noontime)
GUESTS OF ROTARIANS: Joey & Niki Hickox and guests Selhi & Anatoli
$62.50 for SMBR Members
Contact Frank Ortiz
Check it out at:
The 2nd Annual Charity Golf Classic, “Tee It Up for Veterans” will take place on Veteran's Day, Friday, November 11th at the exclusive and private Santa Maria Country Club. This fundraiser will support two local, non-profit veterans organizations, Echo Group-Band of Brothers and Welcome Home Military Heroes. The tournament will increase their support across our Central Coast Veteran Community.
For more information:
The Rotary Club of Santa Maria/Noontime
sponsored the SMBR in 1984
Centennial Celebration
November 12, 2022
Save the Date
Kathy Simas shared an upcoming project for more Tree Planting. This time the trees will be planted by our host Club, the Noontimers, and our part of the project is to tend to the trees following planting. 20 volunteers are needed, there are 10 so far.
Save the Date: November 12
Buy yours today to support cancer awareness
Available October 1 - 31 At Toyota of Santa Maria
November 18-20 / Santa Barbara Hilton.
Friendly Reminder for Saturday December 3rd, that's when the parade will happen this year. All Rotarians are needed to make sure that we turn out another successful event. Clipboard sign ups will be appearing as the event gets closer.
Plans are underway to help fund and assemble the New Year's Day parade float. Contact Suzanne Levy for more details.
PCPA Cinderella Performance
Friday December 2, 2022 / 7:00 PM
David LeRoy presents a $2000 check form the Santa Maria Valley Chamber of Commerce to Foundation Chair PatMcDermott
Jason Stilwell proudly introduced Mayor Alice Patino as his guest. $30
Mike Gibson and wife Marla had a wonder trip to New England to see the Fall colors. $100
Pat McDermott was thrown under the bus by his traveling companion and fellow Rotarian to see the Fall Colors. $50
Tanya Astrosky and hubby had a surprise reunion with some former military friends while visiting Sundance, Utah. $20
Randy Wise bragged about the wonder Rotating Dinner hosted by Linda Maloney. $50
Steve Fuhring bragged about several life events: New Car, New Puppy, Camping Trip and Anniversary. $50
President Berto asked Steve Fuhring to brag about his recent life events. $30
Katie McPike was asked to share the experience captured in a recent photo. She opted for a fine instead. $30
Cornerstone laid for presidential residence in Washington, D.C.
On the day of our meeting, October 13th, construction began on the White House in 1792. In 1800, President John Adams became the first president to reside in the executive mansion, which soon became known as the “White House” because its white-gray Virginia freestone contrasted strikingly with the red brick of nearby buildings. The city of Washington was created to replace Philadelphia as the nation’s capital because of its geographical position in the center of the existing new republic. The states of Maryland and Virginia ceded land around the Potomac to form the District of Columbia, which was named for explorer Christopher Columbus.
Selhi Joey Hickox Anatoli
Department of State to Restaurteur
Colonel Joseph Hickox (USAF/Retired) shared his 28 years of military experiences in the US Air Force and Department of State. Joey, as he is known, attended the USAF Academy, graduating in 1987 with a degree in Behavioral Science. He would later earn two graduate degrees while on active duty: Applied Experimental Psychology/Human Factors and Military Operational Art and Science. Additional education programs included completing the Defense Language Institute (Russian) and Joint Military Attache' training. After his graduation from the Academy, Joey entered the aircraft pilot program, eventually becoming an instructor pilot in trainer and front-line craft ranging size from jumbo (C-5, C-17) to the executive-style for dignitaries in foreign affairs.
His AF duty saw him excel as a Squadron & Group Commander. Joey became a Senior Fellow of the George C. Marshall Center focusing on Global Security, International Terrorism, Transitional Threats and State Stabilization. He actively participated in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. Along with childhood experience through his father, Joey, became a top advisor for the Department of State as a Military Attache', serving principally in Moscow, Russia.
Joey, wife Niki and their 5 kids relocated to Santa Maria following his service days. He then pursued a career as a restaurateur. After multiple interviews and background checks he and Niki became the proud owners of the Chick-Fil-A franchise at Enos Ranch West (2017). He and Niki are now hosting Selhi and Anatoli, foreign exchange high school students from the Ukraine, Selhi (16) and Anatoli (15).